
Sunshine (1)


IT’S TIME TO LOOK UP Luke 13:10-17 August 30, 2024 by Dale L. Montgomery She awkwardly entered the synagogue in her contorted body. Her body bent and her head bowed. Eighteen years she coped with her physical deformity without any hope of relief. Was it a bone disorder? A muscular disease? Perhaps malfunctioning nerves? 1—The…


Eternal Life Can Never Be Lost

Thirteen Reasons Why True Believers Can Never Lose Their Salvation Author: Dale Montgomery Date: August 1, 2024 Can a Christian lose their salvation? This question has been asked millions of times. Thankfully, the Word of God provides the answer. Though the Devil can never take your salvation, he will attempt to rob you of the…


Finding God’s Will In God’s Word

To discern the specific will of God for your life, you must be in the Word of God. God doesn’t need to write his will for us in the clouds because He’s already written it in His Word. A famous preacher said, “If you are ignorant of God’s Word, you will always be ignorant of…


The Way To Pray

God’s Pattern for effective praying from Luke 11:1-4 March 4, 2024 | Dale Montgomery After three years in Jesus’ presence, one would think the disciples would have mastered the art of praying. This was not the case for them—or for us. No matter how long you’ve followed Christ, the area of prayer needs constant attention.…


Six Keys to Effective Family Devotion Time 

Very few families have regular times of worshiping God in their homes. But if you desire peace, harmony, and the favor of God in your home, family worship is an absolute must. Here’s some helpful keys if you’re wanting to get started, or if your devotion time needs a fresh restart. 1—Unity: Family devotion time…