Preaching Jesus Christ, His Cross, and His Coming

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:14


Welcome to my web page!

My passion is to communicate the eternal truths of the Bible with courage, clarity, and compassion. Through speaking and writing, I love to share with people of all ages and backgrounds how they can discover forgiveness and hope through the power of gospel. Each of the sermons, podcasts, and articles are provided to strengthen your faith and challenge you to live courageously for Christ. Thanks for visiting!

—Dale Montgomery

In a culture of confusion,
trust the Word of God to light your way.

Sunshine (1)


IT’S TIME TO LOOK UP Luke 13:10-17 August 30, 2024 by Dale L. Montgomery She awkwardly entered the synagogue in her contorted body. Her body...

Eternal Life Can Never Be Lost

Thirteen Reasons Why True Believers Can Never Lose Their Salvation Author: Dale Montgomery Date: August 1, 2024 Can a Christian lose their salvation? This question...

Finding God’s Will In God’s Word

To discern the specific will of God for your life, you must be in the Word of God. God doesn’t need to write his will...

The Way To Pray

God’s Pattern for effective praying from Luke 11:1-4 March 4, 2024 | Dale Montgomery After three years in Jesus’ presence, one would think the disciples...

Six Keys to Effective Family Devotion Time 

Very few families have regular times of worshiping God in their homes. But if you desire peace, harmony, and the favor of God in your...